Make A Big Noise – Make A Better Noise



Herbie’s Annoying Kid Brother

Only Robots Need To Think In Binary by Kerry JK Herbie’s annoying kid brother drives a car that’s very small Not big at all But he’s taken out the silencer and painted it with stripes He’s a back-wipe With a…


Only Robots Need To Think In Binary

Only Robots Need To Think In Binary by Kerry JK Roots, rock, discotheque Politicians on the decks Shove your laptop up your arse Only manboys play guitar Pick a side, bunker down And find out who’s the enemy now Music…


I Am (Human:Beautiful)

Human:Beautiful by Kerry JK Amazing, fantastic Human:Beautiful Amazing, fantastic Human:Beautiful Human:Beautiful… Do you feel insignificant and lost? Do you fear you’re wasting life just chasing par? Take comfort knowing that the creature in the mirror Is not necessarily the person…


Lottery Of Birth

Human:Beautiful by Kerry JK Where to begin with original sin Order spare rib and twist hard as you stick it in Play the game of who’s to blame Know your place in the human race Meet the world with the…


Really Down Day

Human:Beautiful by Kerry JK Too tired to care. too proud to suffer fools Keep on the periphery and don’t engage the ghouls When everything’s a trigger you’ve got to keep within your zone Walk in a protective bubble all the…



Human:Beautiful by Kerry JK Another place, another time Another corner of my mind Somewhere to go to When the world is getting much too close to bear Is this a dream or is it real? Is what’s real an illusion?…


Edith Alone

Human:Beautiful by Kerry JK You ran a tight ship back when the children were growing up Under your feet They had to be broken, or else how would they ever know The done thing? The weak can’t appreciate the loneliness…


Be True

Human:Beautiful by Kerry JK If though life owes you nothing, it delivers even less If everything you try to build collapses in a mess If the things supposed to cheer you are instead a source of stress Be True Be…


Arrested For Smiling

Human:Beautiful by Kerry JK Sometimes I’m happy, sometimes I’m Blue But most times I’m miserable ‘Cause it just ain’t cool to be happy Don’t go around enjoying life That behaviour will just annoy You don’t want to be arrested for…


Sunlight In The Heart Of The Machine

Human:Beautiful by Kerry JK Trapped in a state of insecurity Who’s to blame for this? How can we be rid of that? Burning up the land, it’s hard to understand How quickly unity’s upset Are the people that you’ve never…