Make A Big Noise – Make A Better Noise


The Happy Fool

Songs From The Age Of Human Error by Kerry Jackson-Kay

Sometimes it’s so hard not to take it to heart
When I’m left feeling stupid when I’m meant to be smart
Well, I’ve made up my mind
I’m going to leave it behind
And I’m not going to fake anymore
I don’t want to be rash, or be acting in haste
A mind’s such a terrible thing to waste
But I’ve had enough
Of this pretentious stuff
And I’m not going to fake anymore
So I’ll appreciate the mainstream without irony
The common denominator’s alright by me
I’ll get all my culture from celebrities
I’ll kick back and live vicariously
I’ll be the happy fool
I won’t care if you think I’m cool
And I’m not going to fake anymoreWhen trying to get it right it’s so easy to lose sight
And chase an ideal you so want to be real
Well, I’m not going to fake anymore
Self image is such a bind
It’ll sap all of your energy and monopolise your time
Giving all that you’ve got to be what you’re not
Well, I’m not going to fake anymore

So I’ll watch Premiership football and reality TV
If I feel like it I’ll play the lottery
I’ll vote on X-Factor and love BGT
Buy my clothes on the high street, drink regular tea
No guilty pleasures, no sacred cows
Quoting books I’ve not read, I’m beyond all that now
I’ll be affected by marketing like everyone else
Including those who think they’re not
But for now I’m just going to end
Trying to impress people who aren’t my friends
I’ll be the happy fool
I won’t care if you think I’m cool
And I’m not going to fake anymore

Of course, there’s always a chance I could be wrong
Well in that case, I’ll just write another song
I’ll be the happy fool
I won’t care if you think I’m cool
And I’m not going to fake anymore


from Songs From The Age Of Human Error, released November 7, 2015
Words and music by Kerry Jackson-Kay
Performed and produced by Kerry Jackson-Kay
I’ve always known I’m not cool and probably never will be and while I tend to be pretty alternative in my tastes I don’t bear any grudge against any part of mainstream popular culture, good luck to anyone who puts the work in.  While I can certainly be pretentious at times (often willfully so) to me the definition of pretention is to select things to like based entirely on how  well they fit with perceived intellectual or ‘scene’ status.
Having begun the album with the line “If  having all the answers means no longer asking questions, then wisdom’s not all it’s cracked up to be”, I felt it rounded things off nicely to end it with the observation that “There’s always a chance I might be wrong/well, in that case I’ll just write another song”.  The reason I hope the Age Of Human Error never ends is because the alternative, an age where we’re all really, really certain of every aspect of a reality far too big and complex for any human to ever understand completely, is terrifying.


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